♥ Shanise


12936569_10153664702483720_4211901635373102369_nWelcome, welcome! I’m Shanise, I write and manage HerExpress.com. So, what is this blog about? A lot of things, but to be concise, I’m here to express to you my views on life.

I’m a divorced (dating) mother of 3, who is STILL very much so trying to understand this thing called life. I share everything from videos to Blogs, Vlogs, and photos. This is a NEW site (a year old), however I’ve started and written several blogs accumulating over 500 post. I began actively expressing myself back in ’08 took a break and started back in ’10. It was just recently that I felt the urge to create a place where I can be comfortable and as transparent as possible with my readers.

Sharing my thoughts and feelings through blogging is definitely something I enjoy, an outlet that surely brings me peace. With that being said, please KNOW it is NOT my intent to offend any ONE person. I am sharing MY views, MY perspectives. I do know how powerful the internet/social media can be, and specifically chose this platform to express my thoughts. So welcome, again. Enjoy and as always leave feedback, comments and share!

“Express yourself, be who he called YOU to be..”
